‘Student Teacher Internship’ Casting Confirmed! Han Sun-hwa Transforms into a Passionate Student Teacher!
Actress Han Sunhwa has been cast (/kæst/) as the lead (/liːd/) in the upcoming (/ˌʌpˈkʌmɪŋ/) film (/fɪlm/) Student Teacher Internship (/ˈstuː.dənt ˈtiː.tʃər ˈɪn.tɜːrnˌʃɪp/).

The movie (/ˈmuː.vi/) follows (/ˈfɑː.loʊz/) an aspiring (/əˈspaɪə.rɪŋ/) teacher (/ˈtiː.tʃər/) who returns (/rɪˈtɜːrnz/) to her alma mater (/ˈælmə ˈmeɪtər/) for a student (/ˈstuː.dənt/) teaching (/ˈtiː.tʃɪŋ/) internship (/ˈɪn.tɜːrnˌʃɪp/) and uncovers (/ʌnˈkʌ.vɚz/) the hidden (/ˈhɪ.dən/) secrets (/ˈsiː.krɪts/) of a group (/ɡruːp/) of top-ranking (/ˈtɑːp ˈræŋ.kɪŋ/) students.
Directed (/dəˈrɛk.tɪd/) by Kim Min-ha known (/noʊn/) for Amoeba Girls and School Ghost Story: Foundation Day, the film promises (/ˈprɑː.mɪ.sɪz/) a compelling (/kəmˈpɛl.ɪŋ/) storyline (/ˈstɔː.ri.laɪn/) filled (/fɪld/) with humor (/ˈhjuː.mɚ/) and unique (/juːˈniːk/) characters (/ˈkæ.rɪk.tɚz/).
Han Sunhwa takes (/teɪks/) on the role (/roʊl/) of Kang Eun-kyung, a passionate (/ˈpæʃ.ən.ɪt/) and determined (/dɪˈtɝː.mɪnd/) student (/ˈstuː.dənt/) teacher (/ˈtiː.tʃɚ/) striving (/ˈstraɪ.vɪŋ/) to restore (/rɪˈstɔːr/) the authority (/əˈθɔː.rə.ti/) of education (/ˌɛdʒ.ʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/).
While (/waɪl/) investigating (/ɪnˈvɛs.tɪ.ɡeɪ.tɪŋ/) a mysterious (/mɪˈstɪə.ri.əs/) school (/skuːl/) club (/klʌb/), she finds (/faɪndz/) herself (/hɝːˈsɛlf/) entangled (/ɪnˈtæŋ.ɡəld/) in an unexpected (/ˌʌn.ɪkˈspɛk.tɪd/) event (/ɪˈvɛnt/).
With her detailed (/dɪˈteɪld/) and lively (/ˈlaɪv.li/) acting (/ˈæk.tɪŋ/), Han is expected (/ɪkˈspɛk.tɪd/) to seamlessly (/ˈsiːm.ləs.li/) blend (/blɛnd/) comedy (/ˈkɒ.mə.di/) and suspense (/səˈspɛns/), bringing (/ˈbrɪŋ.ɪŋ/) depth (/dɛpθ/) to the character’s narrative (/ˈnær.ə.tɪv/).
Han began (/bɪˈɡæn/) her acting (/ˈæk.tɪŋ/) career (/kəˈrɪr/) with (/wɪð/) Ad Genius Lee Tae-baek and has since (/sɪns/) built (/bɪlt/) a strong (/strɔːŋ/) filmography (/ˌfɪlˈmɒ.ɡrə.fi/) with dramas (/ˈdrɑː.məz/) such as Marriage, Not Dating, Rosy Lovers, School 2017, Save Me 2, and Backstreet Rookie.
She garnered (/ˈɡɑːr.nɚd/) widespread (/ˈwaɪd.spɹɛd/) acclaim (/əˈkleɪm/) in the TVING original (/əˈrɪdʒ.ɪ.nəl/) series (/ˈsɪə.riːz/) Work Later, Drink Now, where she played (/pleɪd/) an eccentric (/ɪkˈsɛn.trɪk/) yet lovable (/ˈlʌ.və.bəl/) yoga (/ˈjoʊ.ɡə/) instructor (/ɪnˈstrʌk.tɚ/), solidifying (/ˈsɒl.ɪ.dɪ.faɪ.ɪŋ/) her reputation (/ˌrɛp.jəˈteɪ.ʃən/) as a ‘trustworthy (/ˈtrʌstˌwɝː.ði/) actress.
More recently (/ˈriː.sənt.li/), she starred (/stɑːrd/) as kids’ content (/ˈkɒn.tɛnt/) creator (/kɹiːˈeɪ.tɚ/) Go Eun-ha in JTBC’s A Woman Who Plays, gaining popularity for her charming (/ˈtʃɑːr.mɪŋ/) and heartwarming (/ˈhɑːrtˌwɔːr.mɪŋ/) performance (/pɚˈfɔːr.məns/).
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